In case you missed it on our Instagram, MICHI caught up with Michele Bolona and Francia Cooper, the fitness duo behind @FitforFoodies. We know—it's the new year and people here and there are telling you it's the perfect time to turn your routine around and begin anew. Well we're here to tell you that as much as this may work for some, it's important to know that every day can be a new start. You have 365 days to choose from and it is absolutely ok to not use January 1st as your kick starter. In this case, Michele and Francia use every morning as a new beginning. It starts from within—literally!—with what you put inside your body to fuel up for the day.
Michele and Francia have a delicious smoothie recipe for us to check out, and an epic morning workout gets your blood flowing and have you feeling like every day can be your January 1st. Plus check out how they are getting back to basics without sacrificing style in our Core Collection.
"We are @FitforFoodies and we’re built on a relationship consisting of the love of wellness and endorphins. The team is comprised of Francia and I, two friends that met on a roommate app in New York City. Although we never lived together we discussed our love of fitness and became lifelong friends. Now we are on a mission to educate our audience on what real food and purposeful fitness should look like."
"The first thing we start off with is a nutritious breakfast. In our takeover we incorporated our favourite juice into the routine. In general we love juicing and making smoothies and try to incorporate it to our weekly routine. We prefer to make our own juice at home rather than buying because we are able to fully control what goes into it and tailor it to our diet and current body needs.
Our favourite juicer for juicing is a masticating juicer because it does not destroy the cellular structure of the fruits and vegetables. This is great because it gets rid of oxidation to the juices and preserves the enzymes and nutrients closest to its natural state. Francia has the Omega j8008 juicer and I have the Aobosi juicer. Other brands we love are Greenstar Juicer and Aicok, but they can be a bit pricey so it depends on your budget and what you're looking for.
One of our favourite juice recipes is a carrot, celery and beet leaves juice. This delicious juice is a nutritional powerhouse and the best juice to cleanse the body. Carrots are highly nutritious and cleansing due to their high fiber content. Beet leaves/greens carry more minerals, vitamins, and fiber than beetroot (except for the folate vitamin), and they are low in calories, fat, and sugar. They’re great for boosting the immune system. Celery purges the liver of toxins and poisons. Ginger helps fight inflammation and helps with digestion."
- Carrot
- Beet Leaves
- Celery
- Ginger (optional)
- Wash all ingredients thoroughly
- Run all ingredients through the juicer
- Drink immediately for best results
"Right after our juice we decided to head to the gym for some strength training. The routine we opted for in our takeover was to start off the workout with 10 minutes of jumping rope (with ankle weights!) We love getting cardio in before a weight training session to boost our heart rate high and improve our coordination. Adding ankle weights boosts the intensity of the move and paired with high knees or jumping jacks while jump roping you get a leg workout in.
The next move we did was side leg lunge into a side lung using gliders. We love glider discs for low impact stability improvement moves and it really helps get you deep into that lunge. We opted for 10 reps on each side. On the tenth rep we pulsed for 10 seconds in the lunge and side lunge."
"After that comes the clean and press using a dumbbell. This is a fantastic move because it’s a complete full body move. Try upping the weight on this one to get the added benefit. Don’t worry if you think you can lift heavy above your head, the movement is propelled by your glutes which is an added bonus! Try doing 10 to 15 reps per side—you’ll thank us later! To finish off the gym portion of the workout we did 15 slam ball burpees. This is an absolute cardio move but also targets the should legs and core!"
Need something reliable for your workouts that's just as much timeless as it is durable? Francia is wearing the Pulse Bra and Pulse Short and Michele is rocking the Siren Jumpsuit from our Core Collection.
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