New Year, new you? Did you come out of the gate strong in January, setting your intentions and resolutions for 2018 feeling invincible? Some of you might be feeling the weight of your goals on your shoulders as the month comes to a close. You can’t help but think, “Did I bite off more than I could chew?”, “ How are am I going to accomplish everything on my plate?”
We believe that big dreams have small beginnings! Our intention this year is to stay healthy so we can combat any obstacle and climb any mountain. We asked 3 Wellness Gurus their favorite tips and tricks to stay healthy and here’s what they said!
Rest, Restore & Recharge
Whether you’re on your mat for your morning meditation or powering off from technology, me time is essential for your well-being and staying healthy. Creating space to let go can reboot your mind, body and soul. Personal Trainer and Health Coach, Hillary Holmes likes to de-stress with yoga, meditation and breathing techniques.
“In our current culture, and with the beginning of a new year, it's easy to fall into the mindset that we need to hustle more. Sometimes it's not so much that we need to hustle more, but more so that we need to prioritize more, but still make that much needed time to rest, restore, and recharge. It's really important to honor yourself where you are at this moment in time. Often we tell ourselves we need to do more, more, more--but really, our bodies are screaming at us to rest more. This is where restorative yoga comes in and helps us learn to slow down and draw inward and rest. I love Hatha yoga because it reminds me to be present with my breath. My favorite pose is legs up the wall for 15-20 minutes. It not only helps me relax and recharge, but it helps aid digestion! I love restorative yoga! ”
There are countless health benefits to practicing yoga. Yoga encourages a shift in balance from the sympathetic nervous system (our fight or flight response) to the parasympathetic nervous system, helping restore and de-stress the body so you can, keep calm and carry on!
Feel the rush of sweat. Some of us aren’t the biggest fans, and some of us would love our entire household to be a sauna. Regardless of your stance, nothing beats sweating out all the toxins in your body. Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist and Blogger of The Wellnecessities, Lisa Hayim stands by our sweat moto!
“It's critical to my happiness. The moment we sweat is when the endorphins start pumping. Those are the feel good chemicals that make us feel capable of anything!”
Whether you’re sweating it out and staying strong at the boxing bag or running to your favorite new track from Khalid, sweat is a staple in our guide to staying healthy. Plus, who doesn’t love a post workout afterglow?
Self Care
We know life can be hectic, so don’t forget to give yourself some well deserved TLC. People tend to forget, your self care routine is just as important as your workout routine. Prioritize to love yourself! Put out your crystals, light your candles and get comfy on the couch in your coziest loungewear. Founder/Co-Founder, Wanderful Soul, Wanderwell and Mindfulness Teacher, Vitina Blumenthal ranks down time 11/10 on her health and wellness scale.
“Down time is the key to renewing and reconnecting to the soul. Things start to become a lot more clear. My relationships (boyfriend, friends, family) get so much better. My “to do” list doesn’t seem as daunting and I feel more productive. I feel much more resilient and I am able to make decisions easier.”
We’re with you on this one Vitina. We crave downtime to be the best versions of ourselves, for us and for our loved ones.
You Are What You Eat
Drinking enough water and eating a well balanced diet are paramount to maintaining your health. We asked Lisa what her go to remedy was and you wouldn’t believe how simple her answer was!
“Real food. Zero anything processed. I was hit hard with what felt like the flu recently. I spent the weekend indoors sleeping, eating as many vegetables as I could and oranges and ginger. By Sunday I was a new human.”
You might be asking how can you not consume anything processed when you don’t have your own vegetable garden. But as we said in the beginning, it’s about small beginnings. Next time you feel the onset of a cold, stock up on your favorite fruits and veggies to boost your immune to get you back on your feet. Want to make a delicious winter soup to warm you up? Make your stock from scratch!
This year make yourself and your health a priority. If you begin to lose sight of your intentions take five minutes for yourself, you deserve it and your health will thank you!
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